You know

At some point on dmt

I realized

These are not new tools i invent

Yeah i wasnt there, thats my bad

But they are acutely pre existent

Its like you remember whatever you “newly created”

Like its like it always existed, but you forgot and everything is locked till you figure it out again

Like it had a cool visual 3d graphic of showing tools in a 3d tunnel library thing

So whatever you are trying to do, already exists

Its like how finding something scientific for the first time is hard, and after 50 years, high school students do it casually

Like the complexity of the idea does not constrict it in a way

Thats a limitation of human perception of beeing careful with everything new, and classifying it

But like, actually you just remember the thing which does not exist

Or something like that

Also at some point i let it show me which tools it is auto executing which was terribly interesting

Like you dont manually sell someone on something

Thats a sub routine which gets reused as soon as the pattern is mapped

My unconscious is way more resource efficient at managing that, than wittle ego me

How marvelous mortality is in its dawn

Yes, i am saying there is no theoretical limit on the speed at which you can compose any idea at any complexity, at any rate, like you would expect from physical reality

If space is 0 then time is 0

If it takes you 0 units of thinking to think to the next thaught, then it takes you 0 time there

Dreams are a good example of the complexity you can get, like you can get hyper real

It means you can treat new ideas as if they already exist, bc they in fact do, bc time is 0

Like 0 is a singularity, so its a event horizon into another plane, like a magnet

Its a strangeloop where the future is yesterday, bc it is now

The only question is how much understanding you can process before you fry your brain and get paralized

Well, it depens on how good your emotional management is

But the conception of a idea itself and therefore is mirror into language and text, hi, uwu is mercural and unbounded

So how do you think with 0 units of thaught?

You use feelings

They allow you to process massive amounts of data im extremely short times, instant basically

Like we have different techniques, so no one actually seems to mention that those work bc they are all refferencing the singularity

Its like 0 is 0 itself and the potential of 0,which is everything

Or something like that






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