
The link between furrys and fluff

Is openness

Its, ocean model, that there is a prevent trait, which is probably genetic in origin

Like its part of a struct of traits, which accounts for the diversity of characteristics

But it gets hard to deny fluffs are creative, including code

Like its fractals in fractals

Obv you have a larger population subset where that applys which are not fluffs,

But that seems like a bigger cluster

Like ppl are actually quite afraid of unmapped territory, so the curious ppl are the first obv, and then they cluster

Also gay

Like def is law, meaning its a mirroring term applyed to itself

With furry beeing able to mean basically anything related to animals

Which is the verb noun, whatever all at once

Thats not what i am say

Ibam not pointing to the static pointer signs and questioning their validity

What i am saying is that the common thread from pre litterate shamanic history to the now existing artists and it ppl which cluster, is curiosity

Thats the main genetic thread

Then you have the usual gradients off off that

Like its nondualistic

Its not a boolean

Then you have the structure mirroring mental process of thinking, which shows in normal and ad accounts,

A ad acc is basically a shadow manifestation onto the individual by the group structure, filtered by behavior modifyers of group morally

Purity filter

The structure is trying to classify to put into a box so behavior patterns don’t get too mixed and the control structure still has grip

You have to be smart to be creative / curious, else u dead at the first outlet you touch

Like its a dependency

Like i am not aiming for a closing rationalism

Just manically processing data

i go watch anime






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