
Letter is done i will get a energy later and drop it off somewhere

Paper is filled out, i need to give it to mine, to give it to la lord

To give it to mine to give it to la me :p

Appointment at the hairdresser is done too

Like i put buying drugs at the end as a reward

Like i feel like i am confusing mine a bit

Bc it takes forever till i buy drugs, but if they are there i smoke more than mine

Like i dont have good self control

My buying is just conditional response delayed

I feel bad buying weed all the time, but buying weed as a reward for doing things

, gives me a fuzzy feeling of control over my addiction habits

Like i feel like mine is already confused why i never buy drugs

Like i buy drugs, after i have done these 20 things

And then if i have it, its gone before you can look

So like i never actually have drugs, bc i take them all, and i never buy them bc i have things to do

But obv love to be high

I just saw the pattern earlier and linked it to my budgets

So i can use the spending inhibitor i already have, on the spending pattern of buying drugs

And thereby leverage out addiction behavior

Like this requires 20 things you care more about than the addictive substance






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