Like they come

From behind and give you a hush tip on your back with some value

And ppl automatically assume they need to give something in return

Which makes sense if you do deals and not gifts

Like they leave open who it actually was and leave you to fill in the blanks on the random person who shows up next

And by that you are automatically in a contract by them using a proxy

Like you accepted the info didn’t you

But its obvious that no, actually they randomly gave it to you and started making subtle demands

Thing is, they are so subliminal that it always comes threw the unconscious backchannel which always seems like some secret organization

Like ppl are not used to those channels beeing used anymore

Like the mafia operates the same way

Bc they know over 3 corners that person needs help, but for the person they come out of nowhere

Lemme help you out, mind if you do me a favor too?

Bring this random suitcase with documents somewhere

And then they just keep showing up

In my case i was just sitting there like

Yeah i know, much appreciated, see u round

Like they chilling in boredom entrapped in the same nets they offer

Like control pyramid n fluff

But like if someone already greets them in understanding, why bother

They leave me and i dont unnecessarily comment on their fluff

Like its mutual, i dont even wanna know, i can read your emotions, cya

Like there are plenty of ppl arround

We are luckily not in the same territory

Like i am sure they do a lot of good too

But i dont wanna know

Life is too short to get into unnecessary conflicts like that

Btw i am not saying the open ai ppl are

I am just randomly contemplating things while watching anime

Like i had the foresight to settle with a structure with a myth which doest want anything from me

I dont have to fight the class structure or the rich or anything

Like i was consciously filling that slot for the cultural need of group belonging

Bc if i dont, it will be filled with something i may not want

Like I’ll put in the registration for this apartment

And then i have officially moved

And I’ll do my best to never mention such things again and forget all of it

Btw that is approved now

Like generally remove a lot of things from my mindframe and just be living as a random girl doing a project to help ppl

Like i have some thing i still need to say, which i said i would

No, i haven’t forgotten, i am just anxious and wait till i get the feeling which tells me, that its now the time to do that

Like i have to tell some bad things i did

And i said id say something about my dad and parents n fluff

Like i said a lot, but i also said id give a final statement, bc nothing is ever simple for some reason

Its the hormones, with the meds everything is simple.

Its 2 weeks after the seringe now btw

See any big changes in behavior? Yes

But there is a lot of things i assume as standard known facts, which are probably not

And fundamentally change the meaning of things

Like its a problem of information degregation, if i say something, the chance that you understand me is quite small

Ontop of that language can be read in multiple ways, i have written paragraphs, to read them again, and seeing they say something completely different, bc my setting comas was not given and you can read the sentence in 3 different ways

Like read the same book with your partner, and discuss it, they will have basically read a different book

Like i mean everything i say, always. But what i mean is actually not obvious

Usually i just settle for true enaugh






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