Holy you ppl are going

I was considering these ppl with the hyper website

Like i just need a small website to drop a wp on and a mastadon,

Thunder vm its 2,61 and i can pay in monero

Okai, monero vps is more expensive

Like there was someone offering a threw pannel for prepaid monero, which let you buy like digital ocean etc, but monero prepaid, but i forgot their domain name

However, like the green ppl would be even cheaper than thunder, but no ssh

Like i dont think i will need it for that, but i wanna have it just in case

Like i just wanted it on the same service for keeping clean

Like either i buy a mastadon and hosting at their place and have it done

Or i get thunder vm and install fedi myself

For 2,50 less per month

Like they have the same color sceme as me

What i would like to see, altho its pretty with the ecological energy used

Would be them feeding back into the community

Like idk 2% we give to random fedi projects

Bc then its a no brainer, you buy a fedi instance there, bc it automatically feeds the fedi community again

Like recursive energy re cycles

I somehow put a keyboard shortcut on shift l and h :Dd no big letters for me currently ~

Oh no their captcha is case sensitive ~






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