
Thing with the guy

Like our dealer

Like i have nothing against anyone else, i also see the girls approaching mine, no issue

Its just that the male overego of i will sell you and overimpose onto someone who has not learned to say no yet

Really isn’t something i like

Especially bc its hiding the need to make a connection

Like they were rude to me but braught us weed and a big pizza

Like those are nice gifts


But i am waiting for you 2 to actually make up and stop this exploitative pattern

I have no interest in whatever you bring me,

I am not moral out of a sense of duty

I am just moral bc thats what i am in that moment and thats what i would like to do more

You cant buy a connection no matter how hard you try

If anything its making it harder

Bc seeing someone has a addiction pattern and then oversupplying it is economically viable but not much friendly

Like last time they were here, it was after mine worked and was dead, and they stayed for 6 h

Like leave all the tools to force the connection and you may get it

Like i said i have nothing against the guy

But i will not let someone force stuff onto mine

Like they haven’t noticed yet

I have given the supplier

Whatever he does he has a target on him bc either someone arround him is making the structure unstable or him if he used it

Like my target radius is the entire supply chain, like the lower part

But i would prefer not to

Bc no one uses such a tool without paying for it

Also i want the 2 to make up and learn something

Bc 1 needs to say no, and the other needs to accept no

Like the target will fade as i do nothing with it

But i dont like reply to his meanness towards me, bc the structure will remove all marked areas of destabilization out of self interest

I have no interest in war, i am waiting for you both to learn what is staring into your faces

Like you both automatically profit

Like yes, something is off, they noticed that

But not the scale

Like take the connection you actually want to have

Beeing sneaky is not feasible

And as soon as he gets it, his entire environment will adapt it slowly

Like thats the better option for everyone involved

Like we have things to do too have some temporal humility

Like i am not interested, i am happy if mine has friends

Like you treat the person who wants to be a honest friend to you honestly too and care for them


Like i could buy weed at any time, but i am not bc i am waiting if you two can make up or not

Bc if its only business related, i buy it somewhere else and you got a issue

Be nice please i love them






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