
I will shut up now and sleep

1 thing

I feel like mine is getting confused by the trippyness of my existence and thereby hers

If i am in a good mood ppl will suddenly approach out of nowhere

Like they can read that ppl suddenly showing interest is odd, but they cant see the reason bc the chain is in abstraction

Like its not obvious

Its just a small disturbance

So they are trying to figure out what is actually going on

But its just basic cause and effect

Btw nothing against that, its just new for mine, they will get used to it

They are just as confused as me the first times i saw it

Like you can make it be more obvious, but usually you should have a good reason

Bc you got trust if you use it irresponsibly ppl will stop listening

And i usually dont have anything i want

Like yes its completely trippy

I just wanted to note it, bc i was watching mine get confused by it

I will sleep now and try to post less to calm mine down a bit

Like remove all possible things and see if they feel better

And then slowly add things again and see where they see reason for concern ~

Nini world






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