I did not

Sleep yet, i will calm down

But like

Mine is not happy and it drives me mad

Like my going theories

We are both subs and we actually need someone to f us properly

We both may like girls more

But both of those would be possible in the current framework

It may be that we are on withdrawal from weed and smoking

Like they left me the last of the 2 cigarettes

And i love them so dearly for it

Like i am not planning on quiting drugs

I just want them in a place where i know they can stop again so we can go really deep into it

Also smoking i need to quit bc it immensely influences surgery healing and i got a big one coming up

Like drugs are great, but drugs are even greater if you do sport and eat properly

Like you wont stand getting lost for 2 months without a proper lifestyle

Next up

They are frustrated by me

Bc i got some speed and they sit there like

How should i measure up to that

You dont, you measure against yourself yesterday, not other ppl

They dont like working

Like who does, but like

I dont and i am quite vocal about it

Like i get a job eventually

I am just picky, bc the more time i give it, the better the job will turn out

Or i do something else and i pick them up with me so they dont need to

And its not even a i just put them into that position

The share project is for putting everyone into that position and lifting them up with

Like everything is set up in a way so we can basically do anything we want

Whatever the reason i should have a solution

They just need to actually say what it is they want

Its probably that they walked from a life of constant drama into this one and suddenly they got all options

And dont know what to pick

Like i will just let it rest, they will come if they understand where there mind is at

I will just have some trust

Kitten i love you and i cant stand seeing you not happy

Whatever it is, we’ll find what you’re looking for or chill and cuddle






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