Clothing basket and put a blanket over it
Like with the last cat, like a persian maincoon, for that we had a basket and like a rope and harness and fluff
But like the cat comes when i rains or it got into a fight, i does not have like a toilet thing or anything
It just randomly drops by and we chill
Like pets usually come after their owners
So the cat and i were just calmly chilling at the doc
Like its a wild cat, but it has the same chill i do
I dont need to worry about it going and running arround
I chill, it chills,
Like the idea was to put the blanket into the basket, and the cat ontop, but it didn’t like that ^~^
Like it was so funny
Me and the cat were chilling almost falling asleep watching each other, waiting for the doc
Doc comes in, cat starts sneezing and beeing sick :p
Like doc sees cat, takes snout, opens and looks inside, best facial expression i have ever seem on that cat:Dd
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