And synesthesia are odd
I could feel his snout while he was looking for the mouse
It was a phone call
Like i got scared, showed, he smelled, seeing i dont have a interesting mouse, and retreated, bc he was kinda overstepping reality
Like i didnt expect to see someone smart
I guess its fair play ~
Still, they a furry or something, those were systems build on the animal and or hunting drive
If i can feel their snout, it probably is, but i may be wrong
But so interesting
Like they looking for someone who can hide the mouse somewhere they cant find it
But ppl keep just showing them
So like double tricky
The mouse beeing attention
Like it was, bragging, but actually i want pets please
Like thats a trap, designed and instanciated but i dont think its a lie
Like i am guessing its that ppl are not brave enaugh to pet them much
Like yes that will kill you, but also i wanna try if i get the oppertunity
Like if you freeze there you lost
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